جامعة مؤته :: الكرك :: الأردن
قسم Physics

Physics Department Courses

collapse  البكالوريوس
AstronomyBachelor of PhysicsPhysics
clssical mechanicsIIBachelor of PhysicsPhysics
clssical mechanicsII.docx    
Electromagnetic IIBachelor of PhysicsPhysics
Electromagnetic II.docx    
Electromagnetic Theory 1Bachelor of PhysicsPhysics
Electromagnetic Theory 1.docx    
ElectronicsBachelor of PhysicsPhysics
Genaral physics 3 (103)Bachelor of PhysicsPhysics
Genaral physics 3 (103).docx    
Mathematical Physics 1Bachelor of PhysicsPhysics
Mathematical Physics 1.docx    
medical physBachelor of PhysicsPhysics
medical phys.docx    
modern physics 1Bachelor of PhysicsPhysics
modern physics 1.docx    
modern physics 2Bachelor of PhysicsPhysics
modern physics 2 .docx    
Nuclear PhysicsBachelor of PhysicsPhysics
Nuclear Physics.docx    
OpticsBachelor of PhysicsPhysics
physics 101Bachelor of PhysicsPhysics
physics 101.docx    
physics 102Bachelor of PhysicsPhysics
physics 102.docx    
Solid planBachelor of PhysicsPhysics
Solid plan.doc    
Stat planBachelor of PhysicsPhysics
Stat plan.docx    
Vibration and WavesBachelor of PhysicsPhysics
Vibration and Waves.docx    
collapse  الماجستير
Course Description for Master's Degree in PhysicsMaster of PhysicsPhysics
وصف ُ انجليزي.doc    
وصف المساقات في درجة الماجستير في قسم الفيزياءMaster of PhysicsPhysics
جديد وصف عربي ماجستير.docx    
CLASSIAL (MASTER) Master of PhysicsPhysics
Quantum Master IMaster of PhysicsPhysics
Quantum Master I.docx    
Speical TopicMaster of PhysicsPhysics
Speical Topic.docx