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Title: Vision , Mission , Goals
Department: Chemistry
Department(DepartmentName): Chemistry
Department(DepartmentName (linked to item)): Chemistry


The vision of the Chemistry Department is to achieve a prominent position among the chemistry departments of the colleges of science in the Kingdom.




The mission of the Department of Chemistry is to create and maintain programs of excellence in the areas of research and education.



Developing the quality of undergraduate and graduate programs.
Producing graduates with high standards.
Using modern educational technology in lecture and laboratory courses
4-Improving research activities, discovery and innovations
Improving staff competence through training.

Title: Vision, Mission, Goals Biological Sciences
Department: Biological Sciences
Department(DepartmentName): Biological Sciences
Department(DepartmentName (linked to item)): Biological Sciences



Our vision in the department is to actively engage in our disciplines, the department, the faculty, the university as well as the community. We strive to prepare our students for their future by helping them set personal and professional goals and by providing them with the knowledge, experiences, and professional opportunities necessary to reach those goals.





The mission of the department is to provide students the opportunity to explore the science of life in all its complexity and diversity through teaching and research programs. Our graduate should be well educated in the history of scientific discovery in biology, the logical and statistical procedures used to formulate and to test biological hypotheses, and technical skills needed for conducting contemporary biological research.





The study of life sciences and applications and uses in a comprehensive manner in the community in terms of theoretical and practical and applied.
-Preparation of Angels scientific studies of primary and upper areas to work in the medical and health, agriculture, food and pharmaceutical industries and branches of life.
Giving students the technical skills in the use of scientific instruments and equipment that can be used in the study of theoretical and applied.
Giving students the academic and practical information about life sciences in various trends and specializations.
Supplement the country institutions, public and private sectors with qualified initial and  graduate specialist  to work in this area
Research and study of all that is new in the Life Sciences and keep abreast of developments in this scientific field and be included in the curriculum prescribed.

Title: Vision, Mission, Goals Of Physics Department
Department: Physics
Department(DepartmentName): Physics
Department(DepartmentName (linked to item)): Physics




Provision a high quality university level education in the field of physics, training students to gain scientific skills and practical skills in the areas of education and scientific research to keep up with ongoing developments in science.




Our mission is to provide a high level university education in the various fields of physics and to develop the educational process and to keep up with global developments in science. In addition, our mission is to prepare graduates with high degrees of efficiency and competence to be fit in the labor market.



Teaching of general and specialized courses in diverse areas of physics.
Provide students with basic skills in solving problems in a scientific manner based on the principles of the survey and the analysis and to obtain solutions to the problems of interest.
Promoting scientific research in student's life and promote creativity.
Prepare graduate to be qualified and trained to meet the needs of the labor market.
Provide students with the appropriate education and skills in order to continue education in graduate programs in various universities within and outside the country.

Title: Vision, Mission, Goals Mathematics & Statistics
Department: Mathematics and Statistics
Department(DepartmentName): Mathematics and Statistics
Department(DepartmentName (linked to item)): Mathematics and Statistics








The vision of the department is to develop  expertise in mathematics and to disseminate its uses as an effective tool for human development in the application of accreditation and quality standards. The specialized and non-specialized students in this department are specially prepared by a team of professional teachers to complete their higher studies and engage in the technical and educational labor market. The department includes  professors who are a valuable source of information and advice to serve the community, the labor market, research and educational institutions.


The department recognizes the importance of scientific research for the development of the college and postgraduate students. Therefore, the department  organizes regular conferences, workshops and symposia. It also supports and encourages participation in international conferences and specialized workshops.




The basic mission of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics is to teach the main principles and methods of mathematical solutions and develop the student's ability to analyze and think logically in a friendly and comfortable environment.


The department provides high quality educational and research courses for undergraduate and postgraduate students by providing courses in statistics and applied mathematics to the students  who are able to complete their higher studies or work in places that require high mathematical skills, such as technical and educational areas.


Since the department also offers courses for students from different disciplines, it is important to ensure that these courses are taught according to the highest standards required by these disciplines.



Improve the educational process, develop it, and adopt educational plans that meet the needs of the community within the criteria of accreditation and quality.
Adopting interactive, integrative and specialization to create qualified and experienced persons in the fields of science and mathematics.
Motivate students and support them to learn, excel, research, production and to work as a team and contribute to constructive interaction with the community
Encouraging scientific research and supporting scientific and practical studies in various fields of science and mathematics.
Using and developing of e-learning and  teaching methods  and  adoption of the latest references and equipment.
The creative and integrative connection between the administrative staff and the academic staff to serve the educational process of the department.
Optimal use of the resources  that supported the educational process then work to develop  them to serve the current and future objectives of the department.


Title: Vision, Mission, Goals Medical And Laboratory Sciences
Department: Medical and Laboratory Sciences
Department(DepartmentName): Medical and Laboratory Sciences
Department(DepartmentName (linked to item)): Medical and Laboratory Sciences




The Medical Laboratory Science graduates excel as innovative practitioners committed to excellence and a collaborative and healthy work environment. These graduates play a pivotal role in the provision of quality health care and in scholarship for the advancement of self, the profession and society.




The Medical Laboratory Science program prepares highly skilled graduates who are committed to excellence, innovation and evidence-based practice in a rapidly changing health-care environment. Throughout the program, there is an emphasis on collaboration, accountability, leadership and research as the foundation of evidence.



Prepare graduates who excel as entry-level technologists.
Provide a leading-edge educational experience that provides academic depth and breadth to support professional advancement and entry to graduate school.
provide opportunities for technology enhanced experiential learning in both the classroom and the laboratory


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