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Title1: The Faculty of Science
Title2: Welcome from the Dean

Title1: The Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Title2: A Welcome from Head of department
Brief: We welcome you to one of the oldest Departments in the faculty of science at Mu'tah University. This webpage presents information about our: faculty, its educational programs, related news, announcements, and our upcoming events. Recent activities and achievements of the faculty members and our students are posted regularly. So, feel free to contact us should you have any inquiry or comment.
About the Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Many inquires into the world of science are responded to with an answer involving mathematics; therefore, we could say that the subject of mathematics is regarded as the root to most of the other scientific areas.
Advancement in many different aspects, including medical techniques, business decisions, space exploration, and even understanding the universe are also dependent on this discipline. To qualify the graduates for employment, the courses provide a full coverage of principles, methods, practice and fields of application. The Department concentrates on devel...
Department: Mathematics and Statistics
Department(DepartmentName): Mathematics and Statistics

Title1: Department of Physics
Title2: A Welcome from Head of department
Brief: The department of physics is one of the most active and dynamic departments in the faculty of science. Besides the physics courses offered to physics major students, and other students in the faculty of science, the department of physics offers service courses to the students in medical and engineering majors.
The physics department offers two programs, BSc and MSc in physics. BSc students must finish 132 credit hours (105 credit hours Physics and Math courses and 27 credit hours some other elective courses), The MSc program students must finish 33 credit hours of Physics graduate courses.
The language of instruction in all courses offered by the physics department is English. The text books used for all courses are chosen from the most common books adopted by most International highly accredited physics departments in USA and Europe.
The number of students majoring in physics (2017/2018 academic year) was 254 students. While those joining the MSc program was 78 students.
The Physics Departmen...
Department: Physics
Department(DepartmentName): Physics

Title1: The Department Of Chemistry
Title2: A Welcome from Head of department.
Brief: It is my pleasure to welcome you at the official homepage of the Department of Chemistry at Mutah University.
Our homepage contains some useful links to our faculty, research, and Administrative staff. Highlights of our activities, research, and teaching philosophy are presented
Department: Chemistry
Department(DepartmentName): Chemistry

Title1: Medical And Laboratory Sciences
Title2: Introduction:
Medical laboratory sciences is one of the basic pillars upon which a lot of doctors depend on the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases . Accordingly, the specialization in the field of medical laboratory sciences is one of the important disciplines in the medical field because of its significant role in this area where help diagnosis and early detection of many conditions that may affect humans, leading to treatment and follow-up of patients effectively . It is also expected to have a direct role in the laboratory preparations especially therapeutic cell and gene therapy.
This specialization will achieve the following objectives:
- To graduate scientific skills which can develop and upgrade health services. .
- To expand the fields of study and research in some health disciplines. .
- To saturate the needs of local and regional market efficiencies of health support. .
- To service the community in the specialization fields. .
- To make balance in the distribution of manpowe...
Department: Medical and Laboratory Sciences
Department(DepartmentName): Medical and Laboratory Sciences

Title1: The Department Of Biological Sciences
Title2: Head Of The Department:
Brief: The Department of Biological Sciences was first established in 1990 with only undergraduate program at the beginning. In 2000 an additional program of postgraduate studies were newly established at the level of master degree. The department offers B. Sc. degree in biology through which students will acquire broad knowledge in biological sciences with special emphasis on practical topics. The main goal of the program is to provide high skill capabilities for students to enable them to compete favorably for better opportunities in working fields such as teaching, medical laboratories, food industry or pursuing higher postgraduate study. Furthermore, the department of biological science offers courses in biology to other departments at faculty of sciences. Some of these courses are also offered to the faculties of pharmacy, agriculture and nursing.
On the other hand, the Master program designed to provide 24 credit hours in advance biology courses. After which the student is asked to conduct a research work...
Department: Biological Sciences
Department(DepartmentName): Biological Sciences

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