DepartmentsStrategy: Vision , Mission , Goals

Title: Vision , Mission , Goals
Department: Chemistry
Department(DepartmentName): Chemistry
Department(DepartmentName (linked to item)): Chemistry


The vision of the Chemistry Department is to achieve a prominent position among the chemistry departments of the colleges of science in the Kingdom.




The mission of the Department of Chemistry is to create and maintain programs of excellence in the areas of research and education.



Developing the quality of undergraduate and graduate programs.
Producing graduates with high standards.
Using modern educational technology in lecture and laboratory courses
4-Improving research activities, discovery and innovations
Improving staff competence through training.

Created at 1/24/2019 1:03 PM by Julia Pankratova
Last modified at 1/22/2023 8:20 PM by Feryal Jamal. Kherissat
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