AboutCollege: The Department Of Biological Sciences

Title1: The Department Of Biological Sciences
Title2: Head Of The Department:
Details:  The Department of Biological Sciences was first established in 1990 with only undergraduate program at the beginning. In 2000 an additional program of postgraduate studies were newly established at the level of master degree. The department offers B. Sc. degree in biology through which students will acquire broad knowledge in biological sciences with special emphasis on practical topics. The main goal of the program is to provide high skill capabilities for students to enable them to compete favorably for better opportunities in working fields such as teaching, medical laboratories, food industry or pursuing higher postgraduate study. Furthermore, the department of biological science offers courses in biology to other departments at faculty of sciences. Some of these courses are also offered to the faculties of pharmacy, agriculture and nursing.


 On the other hand, the Master program designed to provide 24 credit hours in advance biology courses. After which the student is asked to conduct a research work under the supervision of the department members. Students admitted to this program should hold at least good grades in B. Sc. degree of biology or other equivalent qualifications. Those students who are successfully passed the courses with an average of 80% or above and submit a convincing defense for their thesis will be offered the M. Sc. degree in biology


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Brief: The Department of Biological Sciences was first established in 1990 with only undergraduate program at the beginning. In 2000 an additional program of postgraduate studies were newly established at the level of master degree. The department offers B. Sc. degree in biology through which students will acquire broad knowledge in biological sciences with special emphasis on practical topics. The main goal of the program is to provide high skill capabilities for students to enable them to compete favorably for better opportunities in working fields such as teaching, medical laboratories, food industry or pursuing higher postgraduate study. Furthermore, the department of biological science offers courses in biology to other departments at faculty of sciences. Some of these courses are also offered to the faculties of pharmacy, agriculture and nursing.
On the other hand, the Master program designed to provide 24 credit hours in advance biology courses. After which the student is asked to conduct a research work under the supervision of the department members. Students admitted to this program should hold at least good grades in B. Sc. degree of biology or other equivalent qualifications. Those students who are successfully passed the courses with an average of 80% or above and submit a convincing defense for their thesis will be offered the M. Sc. degree in biology
Department: Biological Sciences
Department(DepartmentName): Biological Sciences

Created at 3/3/2019 12:58 PM by Owday I. AL-Btoush
Last modified at 1/17/2023 6:16 PM by Feryal Jamal. Kherissat
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