Pages: AboutFaculty

Name: AboutFaculty.aspx
Title: Faculty of Science in Brief
Contact: System Account
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Page Content: The collage of Science
is one of the oldest and largest colleges at Muta’h University. The
establishment of the College came as an extension of the Department of Natural
Sciences, which was established in 1984 with only 100 students and five faculty
member. The college has witnessed a steady growth since its establishment,  taken its current form since 1990 .
collage comprising four departments: Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
Department of Biology,  Department of
Physics and Department of Chemistry. Each department  offering both undergraduate and graduate
programs, serving more than two thousand students of the college in addition to
its largest role in teaching basic sciences to students of other colleges of
university.                                    During the last three
years the College of Science had taken confident steps towards development and
upgrading all undergraduates program to keep up with modern scientific
achievement. These steps improved the educational outcome in term of students’
knowledge and experience which required to compete in the labor market and
enable them to serve society effectively.
Furthermore, the
college's strategic plan is directed toward establishing an attractive
cross-disciplinary academic program meet the needs of the national labor

is another bright side of the college: The college of science is committed to
work continuously providing an adequate academic environment, conductive to its
faculty achieving highest level of academic and research performance. Persuade
faculty members on the scientific research by providing scientific equipment,
overcoming obstacles.

The college witnessed a
number of scientific activities during the passing years, including the
establishment of several workshops and teaching courses for students in the
field of languages, public safety and networking with the health and industrial
sector in the region.

To complete the aspect
of development administrative needs attention to activate the automation of
administrative transaction and improve the efficiency of administrative staff
by encouraging them to enroll in appropriate training courses.

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Created at 1/1/2019 1:27 AM by System Account
Last modified at 1/27/2023 6:47 PM by Feryal Jamal. Kherissat
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